2017年12月3日 星期日

PTTNBA [外絮] Brook Lopez在湖人的新角色 - 看板 NBA - 批踢踢實業坊 百家樂 http://www.iwin9418.com

For the first time in five games,Lakers center Brook Lopez scored in double figures Saturday. He did it mostly in a first half during which the Lakers were strong inside against the ailing Denver Nuggets. 近五場比賽來第一次,星期六晚上湖人隊的中鋒Brook Lopez得到了雙位數的分數。 他的得分大部分集中在上半場,他們面對傷兵連連的丹佛金塊隊禁區佔有優勢。 Lopez has been in a bit of a slump lately, as he adjusts to a role with the Lakers that doesn't always guarantee playing time. Lopez最近打的不是很好,因為他為了適應湖人隊的體系,並不保證他的上場 時間。 "It is different for me for sure," Lopez said. "I am used to being out there. I love being out there on the court trying to help my team whenever I can. Obviously I am going to understand and accept my role wherever it may be as long as it helps the team." "這對我來說很不一樣"Lopez說。 "我習慣在場上做出貢獻,我喜歡上場盡一切所能幫助我的球隊贏球。很明顯的我必須要 了解我的角色,並且接受他,只要球隊繼續贏球。" Lopez made one three-pointer Saturday night, ending a four-game drought involving the skill he'd taught himself in order to adapt to the modern NBA. But the modern NBA also means teams often go small, and that is costing Lopez minutes. Lopez星期六晚上投進了一棵三分球,結束了他連續四場比賽沒有三分球的窘境。 三分球是他為了適應NBA潮流所練出來的武器,但是現行的NBA追求的是速度,所以Lopez 的上場時間遭到壓縮。 "One of our biggest strengths is our switching lineup with Julius at the five, " Lakers coach Luke Walton said. "That doesn't allow the opportunity to get him back in there and the game is being played like that and momentum is being built up where you normally go back to your starters, but the way Julius has been playing, [Lopez] doesn't get that next chance so his minutes are down from his average in his career." "我們最好的優點之一就是我們把Julius Randle放到五號位的時候"Luke Walton說。 "這使得我沒有把Lopez放回場上的機會,當比賽的節奏開始掌握在自己手上的時候, 通常教練會把先發球員放回場上。但是Julius在場上的時候,Lopez並沒有機會回來, 所以他上場的時間比他的生涯平均還少。" Lopez has averaged 23.2 minutes per game this season, easily his lowest average of his career. He played 23 on Saturday and scored 15 points. Lopez本季平均上場23.2分鐘,是他生涯最少的一季。星期六他打了23分鐘,得 到15分 "I always pride myself on being an inside and outside player and pride myself on what I can do inside the paint," Lopez said. "I have to get back to doing that." "我向來對自己能裡能外的攻擊手段感到自豪,對我在禁區的能力也感到很有信心" Lopez說。"我要找回我的打球方式。" Lonzo Ball was assessed the first technical foul of his career on Saturday shortly after being called for two fouls within a seven-second span. Lonzo Ball吃下了他生涯第一個技術犯規,在一陣七秒鐘被連續吹了兩次犯規之 後。 I don't think I deserved a tech for that," Ball said. "I was talking to Luke [the ref] overheard it and gave me a tech. I was pretty surprised. ...Just missed a call.They are human too, make bad calls, miss some calls, it's all right." "我不認為我會吃下技術犯規。我正在跟Luke講話,裁判聽到了所以給我T。我其實很驚 訝...他們誤會了。裁判也是人,有時候吹的很爛,沒差。" Ball said the referee overheard him telling Walton the call was "BS." Ball說裁判聽到她跟Walton抱怨說裁判的判決是"狗屎"。 Ball had a slight limp after the game but it isn't something that's expected to linger. Ball's left calf was tight before the game, so he wore a sleeve over it. Then during the game, his right calf tightened up. Ball 比賽之後一跛一跛的,但是應該不會困擾他。Ball的左小腿在賽前有點緊 崩,所以他穿上的護具。在比賽當中,他的右小腿也變得緊繃。 Ball will be reevaluated Sunday. Ball星期日會再重新評估。 Kyle Kuzma returned after missing a game because of back spasms. Kuzma played 27 minutes and scored 13 points. Kyle Kuzma前一場因為背部痙孿的關係席了一場比賽,他今天回到球場並且打了27分鐘 貢獻13分。 "I felt good," Kuzma said. "I'm getting to 100%." "我感覺很棒"Kuzma說。 "我完全沒有問題。" 心得:去年Lopez的平均上場時間大約29分鐘,場均20.5/5.4/2.3外帶1.8個三分球。 今年加入培養新秀為主的湖人所有數據下滑其實也是可以預期的。 所以小弟今年的Fantasy Basketball直接bypass他XDDD。 -- 歡迎加入Men's Cave http://ift.tt/2zIQUP0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://ift.tt/2npsmc0 ※ 編輯: shaolun (, 12/03/2017 22:59:43

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