把常用文字設定為剪貼簿快速鍵 - QuickTextPaste,可以將經常打字輸入的文字內容儲存起來,並設定鍵盤快速鍵,按下快速鍵就可以快速貼上文字,當有多個內容使用同一個快速鍵時,還會跳出選單供你選擇,支援多行文字。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2000/2012(32及64位元)
關鍵字:QuickTextPastePortable, quick text paste
Quick paste text is a small portable program that allows you to insert (paste) quickly pre-defined text in any Windows applications via keyboard shortcut. This program also allows you to run commands and programs via keyboard shortcut. Save time and spelling errors with this small Desktop Tool for Windows.
- Very small program
- Selection of text fields by single hotkey
- Multiple commands as a selection (program starts) by single hotkey
- Arbitrary Windows shortcut
- Inserting text with multiple lines.
- Launching programs from the command line (keyboard shortcut)
- Paste anything you type often
- Low CPU usage
- Portable
- Multilingual
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