2017年11月27日 星期一

阿榮福利味 O&O DiskImage 12.0.109 - Windows系統備份還原軟體 百家樂 http://www.iwin9418.com

O&O DiskImage
O&O DiskImage
Windows系統備份還原軟體 - O&O DiskImage,可以備份電腦系統、指定硬碟、檔案、資料夾,就算電腦正在使用中也可以執行備份,就算電腦因為作業系統軟體問題已經無法開機了,也能夠快速的還原,支援異機還原功能,就算要還原的電腦跟原來的硬體規格完全不一樣,也可以成功的還原,還支援開機光碟製作、SSD固態硬碟,以及最新的UEFI系統。(阿榮)(下載)(購買

O&O Software GmbH
系統需求:Pro/Workstation版 - Windows 10/8.1/8/7(32及64位元)Server版 - Windows 10/8.1/8/7/2008/2008 R2/2012/2012 R2/2016(32及64位元)
關鍵字:OO DiskImage, O&O DiskImage Professional, O&O DiskImage Workstation, O&O DiskImage Server

O&O DiskImage lets you back up an entire computer or single files whenever you want – even while the computer is being used. In the event you should lose your personal data it can be quickly restored with just a few mouse clicks – even when Windows is no longer able to start. It also supports SSD drives and the latest UEFI System.
O&O DiskImage lets you carry out a system restore and to duplicate or clone an entire PC or hard drive. You can even restore this backup onto a computer whose hardware is different from the original machine, for instance, where you have changed a motherboard on the target machine or have bought a brand new PC and want to restore an old backup onto it.


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from 阿榮福利味 - 免費軟體下載 http://ift.tt/2AbOtYu

