本文由 世界公民文化中心 提供,收錄於英語島 English Island 2017 年 10 月號 ,INSIDE 獲授權轉載。更多詳情請見 世界公民文化中心粉絲專頁 。
9:41 是 Apple 的官方時間。庫克執行長曾在兩個月前的 9:41 分,推特發文紀念 2017 年 iPhone 已經上市十年了。選在 9:41 是因為這是賈伯斯改變世界的時刻 --- 把第一款 iPhone介紹給世界。
這場 Apple 十周年發表會,開始時現場一片漆黑,只有 Welcome to the Steve Jobs Theater 的字樣照亮全場。
庫克於 2011 年接任蘋果營運長到現在,走出賈伯斯時代的蘋果文化。庫克努力為公司形塑多元文化的新形象,更在三年前首度公開出櫃,是《財富》雜誌 (Fortune) 世界 500 強企業裡唯一公開同性戀身份的 CEO。
iPhone 十周年發表會是賈伯斯劇院 (Steve Jobs Theater) 舉辦的第一個活動,庫克選擇用蘋果傳奇創始人賈伯斯的獨白與影片開啟活動,向賈伯斯及蘋果新總部 (Apple Park) 表示敬意。
There are lots of ways to be as a person, and some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there.
And you never meet the people, you never shake their hands, you never hear their story or tell yours. But somehow in the act of making something with a great deal of care and love, something's transmitted there.
And it's a way of expressing to the rest of our species, our deep appreciation. So we need to be true to who we are. And remember what's really important to us. That's what's going to keep Apple, Apple: is if we keep us, us.
所以,我們要忠於真實的自我,並牢記對我們來說真正重要的事物。這樣的原則成就了蘋果公司:蘋果之所以是蘋果,我們之所以是我們,正在於此。 --- 史蒂夫 · 賈伯斯
I love hearing his voice and his inspiring message. And it was only fitting that Steve should open his theater. It is the honor of a lifetime to be the first to welcome you to the Steve Jobs Theater. Steve meant so much to me, and so much to all of us. There's not a day that goes by that we don't think about him. Memories have especially come rushing back as we prepared for today and this event.
It's taken some time, but we can now reflect on him with joy, instead of sadness. Steve's spirit and timeless philosophy on life will always be a DNA of Apple.His greatest gift, greatest expression of his appreciation for humanity will not be a singular product, but rather it would be Apple itself.
我們用了很長時間,現在才可以用快樂而非悲傷的情緒來想念他。賈伯斯的精神和永恆的生活哲學永遠是蘋果的 DNA。他的天賦和對人們感謝的方式,帶給世人的不單只是一個產品,而是蘋果本身。
We dedicate this theater to Steve because we loved him, and because he loved days like this, where he could share our latest products and new ideas of the world. And we do so not only to pay tribute to Steve but to inspire the next generation of creators and innovators.
Steve was a genius and one of the many ways that he showed that was in his uncanny ability to unlock the talent of everybody that he worked with. He thought deeply about our workplace and its surroundings. And he believed that they should inspire talented people to do their best work.
So, over decade ago, he began to work on a new campus for Apple. His vision of Apple Park was to create an incredible workplace of the future, where engineers and designers could all be together collaborating on the next generation of Apple product to change the world.
Steve's vision and passion live on here at Apple Park and everywhere at Apple. Today and always, we honor him.
十年前霸氣發表首代 iPhone
2007 年 1 月 9 日,賈伯斯發表第一代 iPhone 手機,發表會上賈伯斯的一席話:「今天蘋果要重新發明電話 (Apple reinvents the phone)。」 至今確實應證了十年前的豪語。
from INSIDE 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察 http://ift.tt/2gySf2L