作者 Nikki。 本文由 世界公民文化中心 提供,收錄於英語島 English Island 2018 年 2 月號 ,INSIDE 獲授權轉載。更多詳情請見 世界公民文化中心粉絲專頁 。
孤獨星球 (Lonely Planet) 每年選出的最佳旅行目的地被世界旅人奉為聖經。清單中的「最超值目的地」,是想在有限的預算裡體驗物超所值的享受,我們來看其中三個超值旅行城市。
(A) 小巧 (B) 廉價航空 (C) 適應氣候或環境
Tallinn, Estonia 塔林,愛沙尼亞
"Estonia's capital is (A) compact, fashionable and terrific value,"says Lonely Planet. You can explore the Old Town on foot, or take in Baltic Sea views and a panorama of the city from the flat roof of the vast Linnahall (and it's free). The city is connected by (B) budget flights from around Europe. Kalamaja, a fast-changing neighborhood, home to Telliskivi Creative City, is also worth a visit.
愛沙尼亞的首都小巧,時尚,非常值得一訪。你可以徒步探索舊城區,或是到廣闊的林納哈爾屋頂平台,盡收波羅的海海景和城市全景(而且免費)。全歐洲都有廉價航空連接塔林。特利基維文創中心所在的 Kalamaja,是一個快速變遷的社區,也值得造訪。
Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain 蘭薩羅特,西班牙加那利群島
More and more (1) in-the-know independent travellers have been heading to Lanzarote over the past decade. It's easy to find affordable lodgings, food and car rental. There's plenty of (2) no-nonsense holiday fun. Meanwhile, "The moon-like scenery of Parque Nacional de Timanfaya, unspoilt beaches of Órzola, and black-sand wineries of La Geria reward those who come here for more than a traditional seaside break." You can also explore César Manrique's artistic and architectural footprint, stunning hiking trails, and amazing views along many drives around Lanzarote.
La Paz, Bolivia 拉巴斯,玻利維亞
Situated at 3660m, La Paz "is one of South America's best value places to linger, whether you're keen on (C) acclimatising, learning Spanish, or simply enjoying the colourful street life and Andean setting." Less than US$30 a day is enough for eating at unforgettable markets and taking hiking and biking trips. There is also a fast-emerging yet affordable upscale scene, such as Gustu, founded by Noma's Claus Meyer, boutique hotels, and hip coffee joints. Reach the world's highest airport, La Paz's El Alto International Airport (4061m), with flights from Miami and Washington DC.
拉巴斯是「南美最超值地點之一,不論你熱衷於適應不同水土、學西班牙文、或只想享受多采多姿的街頭生活或安地斯山環境,都值得在此逗留。」一天不到三十美元,就足以吃到難忘的市場美食、健行和單車旅行。高檔、可負擔的消費也在此快速崛起,像是世界第一餐廳 Noma 的 Clause Meyer 在此開設的 Gustu 餐廳,精品旅店和時髦咖啡連鎖店。由邁阿密或華盛頓,可飛到拉巴斯國際機場,海拔 4061 公尺,是世界最高的機場。
(1) In-the-know 知道內情、內幕的
<英英字典>Knowledgeable or having access to information about something, especially that which is exclusive or secret.
He made decisions without consulting people in-the- know. 他沒有諮詢知情人士就作下決定。
(2) No-nonsense 直接了當;講究實際
<英英字典>Practical and serious, and only interested in doing what is necessary or achieving what is intended, without silly ideas or methods.
She is a no-nonsense modern woman. 她是個務實的現代女性。
from INSIDE 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察 http://ift.tt/2nBGtss
