瀏覽器快取暫存圖片檢視工具 - ImageCacheViewer,支援Internet Explorer、Firefox、Chrome瀏覽器,可以偵測瀏覽過的網頁圖片並顯示出來,自動掃描安裝版瀏覽器的快取資料夾,若是使用免安裝版,也可以指定掃描的位置,顯示的圖片資訊包括:圖片類型、圖片時間、瀏覽時間、檔案大小...等等,不過掃描前要先關閉瀏覽器,才能夠掃描得到資料喔!(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
ImageCacheViewer Portable is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.
When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.
[2014.03.15] 實測後只顯示出IE的紀錄,但無法秀出圖片,有安裝Chrome卻沒偵測到圖片。
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