印表機監控軟體 - CZ Print Job Tracker,可以用來監控統計多台印表機的列印記錄,支援網路印表機、本機印表機,功能有:統計列印數量、顯示列印詳細內容、設定列印帳號密碼、列印計費、用紙監控、碳粉監控、依部門/使用者/印表機列印報表...等等。(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
官方網站:CZ Solution
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/2003/2008/2012(32及64位元)
關鍵字:CZ Print Job Tracker Standard, CZ Print Job Tracker Premium, CZ Print Job Tracker Client Billing, CZ Print Release Station, CZ Copier Tracking System, CZ Print Job Report, CZ Print Polish Marker
CZ Print Job Tracker print manager software is designed for businesses and education institutions of all sizes and provides centralized print management. CZ Print Job Tracker has simplified print management for print server (i.e. Windows print server) and non-print server environment (i.e. direct IP printer or workstation connected printer). It is an easy to use print manager that allows you to manage, control, monitor, track, count, quota, restrict, log and report user printing across your entire network, eliminate wasted paper and reduce your printing costs.
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