驅動程式備份工具 - DriverMax,想要找驅動程式來將電腦重灌嗎?這種工具可以祝你一臂之力,用它可以去已裝有XP驅動程式的相似規格電腦,抓出所有驅動程式放在一個資料夾,再還原到自己的電腦上;另外,重灌的時候也很好用,用來備份驅動程式,灌好後還原,不用為了幾個驅動程式找了老半天!(阿榮)(下載)(購買)
DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need.※阿榮福利味商店街已販售此軟體之付費版,歡迎參觀選購!(2015.08.26)
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from 阿榮福利味 - 免費軟體下載 http://ift.tt/1JuZ2PG
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