2017年11月19日 星期日

INSIDE 【世界公民】「人要向前看,就像時尚一樣,不能回頭。」-《Vogue》總編 安娜·溫圖 百家樂 http://www.iwin9418.com

Photo credit: 世界公民文化中心提供

本文由  世界公民文化中心  提供, 本文收錄於英語島 English Island 2017 年 11 月 號,  INSIDE 獲授權轉載。更多詳情請見 世界公民文化中心粉絲專頁  。


-《Vogue》總編 安娜・溫圖

安娜溫圖穩坐 30 年美國版《Vogue》總編的位置,是時尚界最具影響力的媒體人。有句名言說:「你可以不靠史蒂芬史匹柏就拍出一部賣座電影,也可以不靠比爾蓋茲就寫出一個暢銷程式。但少了安娜溫圖,你絕對不可能成為一名成功的時尚設計師。」

Before you start

Anna Wintour 安娜・溫圖


出生英國。從 1988 年至今擔任 Vogue 美國版總編輯,在她的領導之下,《Vogue》成為全球最新潮流的風向標,成爲確定流行趨勢和扶持設計師的點金之手。英國《衛報》稱她爲「紐約的非官方市長」。


溫圖有三項招牌:鮑伯頭髮型、大墨鏡,以及冷酷霸氣的氣勢。傳言是電影《穿著 Prada 的惡魔》的原型,強勢的性情和她所取得的成就一樣出名,在時尚界有「核武溫圖(Nuclear Wintour)稱號。


溫圖應邀到牛津大學演講。開頭先闡述她雖然出生於學術氣息濃厚的家庭,但選擇在 16 歲完成基本教育後,直接進入時尚編輯產業,諄諄告誡畢業學子不一樣的教育觀點。


I'm going to start by saying something rather unorthodox in the British halls of higher learning. Please don't become over-specialized, be intellectually free. Try lots and lots of different things. I know you all have come here with very specific interests law, art, history, philosophy, and I'm sure you all prepared brilliantly to be the very best in your field at the ripe age of twenty. And that commitment is wonderful, but don't close your mind to other callings.


Everyone who works on the digital side of Conde Nast is their own photographer, their own videographer, their own writer, they're an editor, they're completely self-sufficient. That's a terribly important message today. I'm really impressed when I meet creative young people who also know how to code, now I can't possibly do that. But I think it's good for you. It's so important to understand the digital world in order to be part of it.


My point being that when you understand the nuts and bolts of how something works. In my case a magazine. In the case of all the young people I hired today. It's probably an iPhone 6.It makes you better at what you're doing rather than just being good at one thing. People who are very narrow in their focus are really frustrating.

我要說的重點是,如果你能學會完成某領域運作的每個環節,以我的例子來說是雜誌;而對現在的年輕人來說,可能是一台 iPhone 6,這會使你在職場上更出色,而不僅僅是只會做單一的事情。如果只懂得自己擅長的部分,那實在很讓人沮喪。

演講後 Q&A


You can't work in the world of fashion and always look backwards. You have to look forwards, of course, the past informs the present and the future. But it's a totally different world, and in a way, a much more challenging and interesting world, because so many more things are possible, and fashion is so much more democratic and open to everybody.


安娜溫圖一直是前美國總統歐巴馬的粉絲,也是歐巴馬及蜜雪兒的形象顧問。蜜雪兒初當上第一夫人時,被外界認為看起來太兇悍,在溫圖的改造下,蜜雪兒以吳季剛的無袖絲質洋裝,登上《Vogue》2009 年 3 月號封面,翻身成「時尚界第一夫人」,形象和人氣都因此大幅提升。


Photo credit: 世界公民文化中心

from INSIDE 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察 http://ift.tt/2hLDnCi

